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CAP Solano JPA

The City of Vallejo is a part of the Community Action Partners of Solano, Joint Powers Authority (CAP Solano JPA).

 In 1999, Solano County and the cities of Fairfield, Suisun City, Vallejo, Benicia and Dixon formed the Solano Safety Net Consortium, a Joint Powers Authority to develop and implement strategies, services, and systems that assist low-income and homeless persons become self-sufficient. In 2006, the JPA was renamed CAP Solano reflecting a national trend of community organizations and local governments working in partnership to reduce homelessness and provide basic safety net services. CAP Solano JPA is the collaborative applicant for Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds, the Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) lead agency, and the recipient of the County’s Community Service Block Grant funds (CSBG) from the state of California.

CAP Solano has successfully increased the amount of funding available to assist the County’s most vulnerable populations and currently administers a budget of approximately $10.5 million in federal and state funding. CAP Solano serves as a pass-through agency; through Requests for Proposals, it funds nonprofits and local government entities that provide direct services to the County’s unhoused residents and those at imminent risk of losing their housing.

Although CAP Solano has served the county and its residents well for more than 20 years, the increased number in the homeless population and scarcity of local resources to provide services motivated representatives from the city councils from Benicia, Fairfield, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo to form a “Regional 2x2 Homeless Committee” that evolved into an effort to create a more concerted regional response to homelessness. On March 2, 2022, the County hosted a “Homeless and Housing Summit” in partnership with the Regional 2x2 Committee during which it was proposed that rather than create a new entity to address homelessness, that the governance structure of CAP Solano be changed to include local elected official representatives on the Board of Directors to elevate the priorities of all participating jurisdictions in addressing the ongoing challenges of homelessness countywide.

After receiving input and during several Homeless Roundtable meeting that have occurred over several months an Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement for CAP Solano JPA was approved by all jurisdictions. In addition to the change in the governance structure, the agreement has been updated and modified to reflect the change in name, a clarification of the role of CAP Solano as the regional coordinator of homeless safety net services; and the creation of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).

 City of Vallejo Representatives:

Elected Officials: Councilmember Charles Palmares and Councilmember Tonya Lediju 

Technical Advisory Committee Member: Natalie Peterson, Assistant to the City Manager 

Alternate Technical Advisory Committee Member: Flor Magallanes, Administrative Analyst II

Continuum of Care Committee Member: Natalie Peterson, Assistant to the City Manager 

Alternate Continuum of Care  Committee Member: Flor Magallanes, Administrative Analyst II 


 More information on CAP Solano JPA can be found on their website.

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