Homeless Resources
On this page you will find:
-Updates on City of Vallejo projects aimed at supporting residents who are experiencing homelessness.
-Resources for people experiencing homelessness.
-Updates on warming center and cooling center openings.
-Opportunities to volunteer and/or donate to the extreme weather centers (e.g. warming and cooling centers)
-Updates on townhalls, community meetings or other engagement opportunities to voice your perspective and opinions related to the topic of homelessness.
For more information regarding these resources please reach out to: homelessness@cityofvallejo.net
On this page you will find:
-Updates on City of Vallejo projects aimed at supporting residents who are experiencing homelessness.
-Resources for people experiencing homelessness.
-Updates on warming center and cooling center openings.
-Opportunities to volunteer and/or donate to the extreme weather centers (e.g. warming and cooling centers)
-Updates on townhalls, community meetings or other engagement opportunities to voice your perspective and opinions related to the topic of homelessness.
For more information regarding these resources please reach out to: homelessness@cityofvallejo.net
Updates on Unhoused Situation Presentation to City Council - March 18, 2025
Share Updates on Unhoused Situation Presentation to City Council - March 18, 2025 on Facebook Share Updates on Unhoused Situation Presentation to City Council - March 18, 2025 on Twitter Share Updates on Unhoused Situation Presentation to City Council - March 18, 2025 on Linkedin Email Updates on Unhoused Situation Presentation to City Council - March 18, 2025 linkOn March 18, 2024 Vallejo City Council held a special meeting for a discussion on homelessness. City staff presented to Council on the current status of homelessness in the City. The presentation slides are now available in the document folder on this page. You can also access the presentation slides, the agenda and watch the presentation recording by clicking here. The presentation on this item is Item 4B “Receive Update on Unhoused Situation and Possibly Provide Direction On City Programs.” Public comment on the item ended just before midnight and City Council continued the meeting to a future meeting (anticipated to occur on April 1, 2025) to provide their feedback and possible direction to staff.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to: homelessness@cityofvallejo.net
Your Voice Matters! Vallejo Hosts Unhoused Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum
Share Your Voice Matters! Vallejo Hosts Unhoused Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum on Facebook Share Your Voice Matters! Vallejo Hosts Unhoused Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum on Twitter Share Your Voice Matters! Vallejo Hosts Unhoused Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum on Linkedin Email Your Voice Matters! Vallejo Hosts Unhoused Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum linkYour Voice Matters! Vallejo Hosts Unhoused Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum
Community Action Partnership – Solano Joint Powers Authority (CAP Solano JPA) and Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (CoC) invites all community members to participate in an important conversation about addressing houselessness and economic insecurity in Solano County.
CAP Solano JPA and Housing First Solano CoC are gathering feedback to shape their strategic priorities for the future. This is a critical opportunity to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas about our community's most pressing needs and how we can enhance the county’s homeless response system.
The Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum will take place in person.
Those with lived experience of houselessness are strongly encouraged to attend and will be compensated for their time and input.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Vallejo room- 505 Santa Clara Street Vallejo, CA 94590 (below the JFK Library)
PLEASE RSVP to: Solano@homebaseccc.org
Can’t make the meeting? You can still share your insights by submitting feedback online.
Click here for an online survey.
For questions or to request a PDF version of the survey, please email solano@homebaseccc.org.
¡Tu voz importa! Vallejo organiza un foro comunitario de planificación de prioridades estratégicas para personas sin hogar
Community Action Partnership – Solano Joint Powers Authority (CAP Solano JPA) y Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (CoC) invitan a todos los miembros de la comunidad a participar en una importante conversación sobre cómo abordar la falta de vivienda y la inseguridad económica en el condado de Solano.
CAP Solano JPA y Housing First Solano CoC están recopilando comentarios para definir sus prioridades estratégicas para el futuro. Esta es una oportunidad crucial para compartir sus opiniones, inquietudes e ideas sobre las necesidades más urgentes de nuestra comunidad y cómo podemos mejorar el sistema de respuesta para personas sin hogar del condado.
El Foro Comunitario de Planificación de Prioridades Estratégicas se llevará a cabo presencialmente.
Animamos a participar a quienes tienen experiencia en estar sin hogar, ya que recibirán una compensación por su tiempo y sus aportaciones.
Detalles del evento:
Fecha: Miércoles, 19 de Marzo de 2025
Hora: 11:30 a. m. a 1:00 p. m.
Ubicación: Vallejo room, 505 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 (debajo de la Biblioteca JFK)
CONFIRME SU ASISTENCIA a: Solano@homebaseccc.org
¿No puede asistir a la reunión? Puede compartir sus opiniones enviando sus comentarios en línea.
Haga clic aquí para acceder a una encuesta en línea.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea solicitar una versión en PDF de la encuesta, envíe un correo electrónico a solano@homebaseccc.org.
Solano County Homelessness and Income Insecurity Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum – March 19th, 2025
Share Solano County Homelessness and Income Insecurity Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum – March 19th, 2025 on Facebook Share Solano County Homelessness and Income Insecurity Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum – March 19th, 2025 on Twitter Share Solano County Homelessness and Income Insecurity Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum – March 19th, 2025 on Linkedin Email Solano County Homelessness and Income Insecurity Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum – March 19th, 2025 linkCommunity Action Partnership – Solano Joint Powers Authority (CAP Solano JPA) and Housing First Solano CoC are gathering feedback for their organizations for setting strategic priorities regarding addressing homelessness and income insecurities in Solano County.
The Strategic Priorities Planning Community Forum:
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Time: 11:30am to 1:00pm
Location: Zoom: https://homebaseccc.zoom.us/j/85971395587
Phone: 669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 859 7139 5587
If you are unable to attend the planning forum or would like to provide additional information you can submit your feedback at this link: Survey Link
Please see the flyers below for more information.
Extreme Weather Center Opening March 12th and 13th
Share Extreme Weather Center Opening March 12th and 13th on Facebook Share Extreme Weather Center Opening March 12th and 13th on Twitter Share Extreme Weather Center Opening March 12th and 13th on Linkedin Email Extreme Weather Center Opening March 12th and 13th linkThe City of Vallejo will be opening the Warming Center on Wednesday 3/12 night through Thursday 3/13 morning , and Thursday night 3/13 night through Friday 3/14 morning at the North Vallejo Community Center due to the anticipated weather.
The Warming Center hours will be open 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Location: North Vallejo Community Center
1121 Whitney Avenue
Vallejo, CA 94589
The City is currently seeking volunteers to help with the Warming Center for shifts Wednesday night through Thursday morning and Thursday night through Friday morning. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050E44A5A823A5FD0-55645378-extreme
For further inquiries, please email homelessness@cityofvallejo.net .
03.12.2025 Wilson-Lake Dalwigk Park to Monterey Street
Share 03.12.2025 Wilson-Lake Dalwigk Park to Monterey Street on Facebook Share 03.12.2025 Wilson-Lake Dalwigk Park to Monterey Street on Twitter Share 03.12.2025 Wilson-Lake Dalwigk Park to Monterey Street on Linkedin Email 03.12.2025 Wilson-Lake Dalwigk Park to Monterey Street link -
03.12.2025 Barbara Kondylis Park & Wilson Ave (Harbor Way to Lighthouse Drive)
Share 03.12.2025 Barbara Kondylis Park & Wilson Ave (Harbor Way to Lighthouse Drive) on Facebook Share 03.12.2025 Barbara Kondylis Park & Wilson Ave (Harbor Way to Lighthouse Drive) on Twitter Share 03.12.2025 Barbara Kondylis Park & Wilson Ave (Harbor Way to Lighthouse Drive) on Linkedin Email 03.12.2025 Barbara Kondylis Park & Wilson Ave (Harbor Way to Lighthouse Drive) link -
Resource Connect Solano Announcement: 2-1-1 expands access to Coordinated Entry services
Share Resource Connect Solano Announcement: 2-1-1 expands access to Coordinated Entry services on Facebook Share Resource Connect Solano Announcement: 2-1-1 expands access to Coordinated Entry services on Twitter Share Resource Connect Solano Announcement: 2-1-1 expands access to Coordinated Entry services on Linkedin Email Resource Connect Solano Announcement: 2-1-1 expands access to Coordinated Entry services linkStarting March 3rd, 2025, Resource Connect Solano will officially partner with United Way Bay Area to expand access to Coordinated Entry services!
Through this partnership, participants calling Resource Connect Solano will be able to complete an intake and assessment over the phone in real time with a United Way Bay Area Call Center Specialist. This 24/7 access is a major step forward in ensuring that individuals in need can connect to services anytime, day or night.
The below flyers provide information in English, Spanish and Tagalog.
For more information email: RCS@caminar.org
03.05.2025- Sonoma Boulevard and Mississippi Street
Share 03.05.2025- Sonoma Boulevard and Mississippi Street on Facebook Share 03.05.2025- Sonoma Boulevard and Mississippi Street on Twitter Share 03.05.2025- Sonoma Boulevard and Mississippi Street on Linkedin Email 03.05.2025- Sonoma Boulevard and Mississippi Street link -
Notice of Extension- 02.24.2025- Railroad Tracks from Valle Vista to Sereno
Share Notice of Extension- 02.24.2025- Railroad Tracks from Valle Vista to Sereno on Facebook Share Notice of Extension- 02.24.2025- Railroad Tracks from Valle Vista to Sereno on Twitter Share Notice of Extension- 02.24.2025- Railroad Tracks from Valle Vista to Sereno on Linkedin Email Notice of Extension- 02.24.2025- Railroad Tracks from Valle Vista to Sereno link -
02.18.2025 Railroad Tracks- Valle Vista to Sereno
Share 02.18.2025 Railroad Tracks- Valle Vista to Sereno on Facebook Share 02.18.2025 Railroad Tracks- Valle Vista to Sereno on Twitter Share 02.18.2025 Railroad Tracks- Valle Vista to Sereno on Linkedin Email 02.18.2025 Railroad Tracks- Valle Vista to Sereno link