Residential Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste Rate Increase
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Why Are Rates Changing?
In September 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 1383 into law. SB 1383 establishes methane emissions reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants. Food waste alone accounts for approximately 17-18% of total landfill disposal.
To comply with the requirements of SB 1383, the City of Vallejo and Recology have amended their franchise agreement to expand the solid waste services provided to customers. Unfortunately, SB 1383 is an unfunded state mandate for the organics programs that are now required.
After extensive negotiations, Recology and the City have agreed to a rate structure that will fund the costs of these expanded services.
This site aims to let the Vallejo Community know about planned changes to solid waste service and rates and allow the community to be involved in the City’s regulatory process.
What is Considered Organic Waste?
Food Scraps
Coffee Grounds
Tea Bags
Food-Soiled Paper Products
Pizza Boxes
Coffee Filters
Egg and Paper Cartons
To-go Bags/Boxes (no Styrofoam or Plastic)
Green Waste
Landscape & Pruning
Leaves, Flowers
Lumber (untreated)
What’s Changing?
Starting July 2022, residential garbage and recycling services will include:
>> Weekly Organic Waste Cart Service.
Residents will now be able to put green waste, food waste, and food-soiled paper in an organic waste container!
>> Annually, Residents will be Mailed One Free “Dump Coupon.”
Dump one load of bulky household waste at the Devlin Road Transfer Station
>> Increased Illegal Dumping Support
How to Protest This Increase
The City will accept written protests against the proposed rate increase from property owners and customers of record (PLEASE NOTE: emails or faxes will NOT be accepted). Objections to the rate increase can be submitted at the public hearing until the end of the public input portion of the hearing. They can also be mailed but must be received before the Public Hearing or hand-delivered to the City Clerk mailbox located outside of City Hall (555 Santa Clara Street) at or before the Public Hearing. If the majority (51%) of our residential customers submit valid written protests, the proposed rate increase will not be implemented.
Valid Written Protests Must Include:
Customer Name
Customer Signature
Service Address or Parcel Number
A statement that you are protesting the proposed rate increase
Why Are Rates Changing?
In September 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 1383 into law. SB 1383 establishes methane emissions reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants. Food waste alone accounts for approximately 17-18% of total landfill disposal.
To comply with the requirements of SB 1383, the City of Vallejo and Recology have amended their franchise agreement to expand the solid waste services provided to customers. Unfortunately, SB 1383 is an unfunded state mandate for the organics programs that are now required.
After extensive negotiations, Recology and the City have agreed to a rate structure that will fund the costs of these expanded services.
This site aims to let the Vallejo Community know about planned changes to solid waste service and rates and allow the community to be involved in the City’s regulatory process.
What is Considered Organic Waste?
Food Scraps
Coffee Grounds
Tea Bags
Food-Soiled Paper Products
Pizza Boxes
Coffee Filters
Egg and Paper Cartons
To-go Bags/Boxes (no Styrofoam or Plastic)
Green Waste
Landscape & Pruning
Leaves, Flowers
Lumber (untreated)
What’s Changing?
Starting July 2022, residential garbage and recycling services will include:
>> Weekly Organic Waste Cart Service.
Residents will now be able to put green waste, food waste, and food-soiled paper in an organic waste container!
>> Annually, Residents will be Mailed One Free “Dump Coupon.”
Dump one load of bulky household waste at the Devlin Road Transfer Station
>> Increased Illegal Dumping Support
How to Protest This Increase
The City will accept written protests against the proposed rate increase from property owners and customers of record (PLEASE NOTE: emails or faxes will NOT be accepted). Objections to the rate increase can be submitted at the public hearing until the end of the public input portion of the hearing. They can also be mailed but must be received before the Public Hearing or hand-delivered to the City Clerk mailbox located outside of City Hall (555 Santa Clara Street) at or before the Public Hearing. If the majority (51%) of our residential customers submit valid written protests, the proposed rate increase will not be implemented.
Valid Written Protests Must Include:
Customer Name
Customer Signature
Service Address or Parcel Number
A statement that you are protesting the proposed rate increase