Human Relations Commission

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Welcome to the page for the Human Relations Commission


The primary purpose of the Vallejo human relations commission is to promote the equal treatment of all individuals; to prohibit discrimination in the city of Vallejo based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, sexual or gender orientation and identity, medical condition, political activities, military or veteran status, or status as a victim of domestic violence; to be a community educator, conciliator, and mediator to create a climate favorable to good human relations among people in the community and to promote just and positive

Welcome to the page for the Human Relations Commission


The primary purpose of the Vallejo human relations commission is to promote the equal treatment of all individuals; to prohibit discrimination in the city of Vallejo based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, sexual or gender orientation and identity, medical condition, political activities, military or veteran status, or status as a victim of domestic violence; to be a community educator, conciliator, and mediator to create a climate favorable to good human relations among people in the community and to promote just and positive interactions between and among people and groups in the community.


When: The Commission meets on the 4th Wednesday of the following months: January, April, July, and October
Time: 6:00 PM
Where: City Council Chambers, City Hall 555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590

(Ord. No. 1698 N.C.(2d), § 1, 5-27-2014)


  1. Lead the community in efforts to foster understanding and appreciation of and for the many ethnic, racial, religious, and nationality groups and traditions present in Vallejo. The commission will engage in education, in the planning of specific events, and in other appropriate means to accomplish this function of understanding, appreciation, and celebration;
  2. Inform and consult with the city council and initiate processes to alleviate tension and conflict. These processes can include working with the groups involved through conference, mediation, persuasion, conciliation, and community meetings and forums. If any commission community meetings are held which specifically pertain to any governmental agency, the commission shall communicate with the head of that agency. For the purpose of alleviating tension and conflict, the commission may use other city council-approved processes. The commission will attempt to resolve tensions and conflicts in a relaxed climate of mutual understanding and trust, where possible;
  3. Make recommendations as appropriate, educating and referring the public to appropriate agencies and services in instances of perceived discrimination based upon the categories set forth in Section 2.40.010 above; work with staff or agency representatives in determining whether patterns of concern are valid; and, if valid, the commission may use the processes of conference, mediation, persuasion, conciliation, and community meetings and forums to enhance good community relations. If there is no existing procedure to address a citizen's concern, the commission may decide to investigate and act on that concern, using the processes of conference, mediation, persuasion, conciliation, and community meetings;
  4. Review, evaluate and make recommendations to staff, labor groups, the civil service commission, and city council, so as to promote equal employment opportunity within the city of Vallejo and fair contracting practices on a continuing basis;
  5. Consider issues that involve the relationship between the police, justice system, and the community as it relates to more effective communications. Make recommendations to the city council on findings;
  6. Submit report as deemed necessary to the city council on the state of human relations in the Vallejo area, focusing on both achievements and tensions, conduct special studies, if necessary, and formulate recommendations to city council on issues related to human relations;
  7. Recommend to the city council any legislation which would improve human relations and civil rights in Vallejo;
  8. Recommend to the city council any legislation or policy changes which would further address or implement the goals as set forth in Section 2.40.010.

Page last updated: 28 Jun 2023, 03:49 PM