City of Vallejo Grants Update Page

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Welcome to the City of Vallejo's Grants Page

Get the latest updates regarding grants that the City of Vallejo is pursuing and have been awarded.

Welcome to the City of Vallejo's Grants Page

Get the latest updates regarding grants that the City of Vallejo is pursuing and have been awarded.

  • January 2024 Grants Update

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    Grants Awarded

    Home Key Grant Program (CMO)

    $12.1 mil

    Submitted: 2/2022

    Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator Grant (Housing)

    Amount: $117,488

    Submitted: 10/7/22

    Prop 64- Public Safety & Health (CMO)

    Project: Vallejo Youth Prevention & Intervention Program

    Amount: $1.4 mil

    Submitted: 12/2/22

    HHAP- Homeless Housing, Assistance & Prevention (Planning)

    Project: Vallejo Navigation Center

    Amount: $1,082,582

    Submitted: 4/12/23

    IIG - Infill Infrastructure Grant (CMO)

    Project: The Broadway Project

    Amount: $2.5 mil

    Submitted: 8/25/22

    MTC Bay Area 2050 - Priority Development Area Grant (Planning)

    Project(s): Downtown Amendment & Streetscape Implementation & Waterfront Amendment

    Amount: $2.4 mil.

    Submitted: 2/23/23

    MTC Local Parking Management Program (Planning/Transportation)

    Project Focus: Comprehensive Parking Management Plan

    Amount: $150,000

    Submitted: 3/30/23

    NPS-Save America’s Treasures (ED)

    Project- Mare Island Historic District, Officers’ Quarters B Restoration

    Amount Requested: $750,000

    Submitted: 12/19/22

    2023 IRA- Urban and Community Forestry (CMO/PW)

    Project: Waterfront Public Park Green and Open Space

    Amount: $1,734,070

    Submitted: 6/3/23

    Clean CA Local Grant Program (PW/CMO)

    Project: Downtown Georgia Street Beautification & Clean Up

    Amount: $352,000

    Submitted: 5/24/23

    Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program (CMO/PW)

    Project: JFK Library Safety and Renovation

    Amount: $6.2 mil

    Submitted: 5/18/23

    Grants Submitted/Pending

    California Strategic Growth Council: Community Resilience Centers Program

    Project: Planning Grant

    Amount $500,000

    Submitted: 9/18/23

    California Public Utilities Commission: Last Mile Grant

    Project 1- Mare Island Build - $688,892

    Project 2- N. Sonoma Blvd - $1,014,322

    Project 3- Porter St to Seaport- $1,680,329

    Project 4- Trailer City Park - $475,545

    Submitted: 9/29/23

    CDFW: Boat Access Grant Program

    Deadline: 4:00 November 3, 2023 (Pushed back to 11/15)

    Amount: $8.6 million

    Match: Grantees may be reimbursed up to 75 percent of project costs through the grant program. At least 25 percent of the project costs must come from a non-Federal source, which can include revenue from license fees.

    Focus: For projects that ensure public access to state waters. The Boating Access program provides funding for a broad range of access facilities and associated amenities that benefit recreational boaters.

    Submitted: 11/15/23

    California Department of Parks and Recreation: Outdoor Equity Grant Program (Rd 2)

    Deadline: December 14, 2023

    Amount: Up to $700,000 (115k)

    Match: None

    Focus: To increase the ability of at-risk youth, seniors, and/or disabled persons in low-income

    urban and rural communities to participate in outdoor experiences at other state parks and other Statewide outdoor venues to increase learning and leadership development.

    Submitted: 12/13 (via GVRD)

    Grants in Progress

    Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG)

    Vallejo allocation: $164,850

    Application Cycles: 1/31/24

    The Skatepark Project (waiting for application)

    Deadline: Rolling basis and awarded quarterly

    Amount: $1,000 to $300,000, with an average of $10,000,

    Focus: The Skatepark Project is dedicated to helping underserved communities throughout the United States create safe and inclusive public skateparks for youth. Grants are provided to organizations that are seeking to build free, public, concrete skateparks in underserved communities. The Foundation primarily supports projects that can demonstrate a strong grassroots commitment. Priority is given to projects that are designed and built by experienced skatepark contractors and include local skaters in the planning, fundraising, and design process.

    Encampment Resolution Fund (ERF)

    Deadline: 2/1/24

    Project: Vallejo Navigation Center

    Focus: Reassess Center construction need/Submit revised Schedule/Budget for timely placement of targeted clients with PSH Units through the Navigation Center.

    Dept. Park Service: Boat Launching Grant Program – Meeting Thursday

    Deadline: 2/1/2024

    Award: ~4.1 million

    Match: No

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to provide safe and convenient access to California's waterways using trailerable watercraft. This program will provide awards to eligible public agencies to support such facilities as boat launching ramps; boarding floats; and associated parking areas, restrooms, and lighting for motorized and non-motorized boating.

    Project scope in review with Bay Area GM.

    Grants Under Review

    California Advanced Services Fund (CASF): Broadband Public Housing Account

    Deadline: 7/1/24

    Amount: $150,000 (Max)

    Match: “…applicants must provide the costs of bandwidth on a monthly basis for the five-year project period, and maintenance and operations costs to ensure the network is operational for at least five years in their applications.”

    Focus: “…build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities that do not have access to free broadband service that meets or exceeds state guidelines.”

    Explore the Coast (Coastal Conservancy)

    Deadline: 01/31/2024

    Award: $100,000 (Max)

    Match: No

    Focus: “…to support projects that facilitate and enhance the public’s opportunities to explore California’s coast and the San Francisco Bay shoreline. The program seeks to provide enjoyable coastal experiences for people and communities that face challenges or barriers to coastal access, which may include lower-income individuals and households, people with disabilities, people of color, Indigenous communities, immigrant communities, foster youth, and other historically excluded communities that face societal challenges or barriers to accessing or enjoying the coast.”

    Shoreline Erosion Control and Public Beach Restoration

    Deadline: February 1, 2024

    Award: 40,000 (min)

    Match: 50% (in-kind)

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to support shoreline erosion control projects in California. The overarching objective of the program is to protect public safety along the California shoreline, and to reduce the public costs of shoreline erosion. Projects will also improve present knowledge of oceanic forces, coastal erosion factors, and evolving shoreline conditions; and share and apply this knowledge to help prevent or reduce future erosion.

    Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovation – EV Charger/Infrastructure?

    Deadline: February 2, 2024

    Funds: ~12 mil max

    Match: 20% (in-kind)

    Focus: “…improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment by supporting the deployment, installation, and operation of advanced transportation technologies. The funding agency intends for these model technology deployments to help demonstrate how emerging transportation technologies, data, and their application can be effectively deployed and integrated with existing systems to provide access to essential services and other destinations.”

    Sexual Assault Evidence

    Deadline: 2/5/2024

    Award: 4,000,000 (total)

    Match: No

    Focus: To help local law enforcement facilitate the testing and submission of sexual assault evidence. Click here for details.

    Zero Building Energy Codes Adoption

    Deadline: 2/9/2024

    Award: $1,000,000 (Min) / $20,000,000 (Max)

    Match: No

    Eligibility: Units of local government with authority to adopt building codes

    Focus: To support public agencies with authority to adopt building codes in implementing, enforcing, and measuring compliance rates of certain building energy codes that meet or exceed certain minimum energy savings. Click here for details.

    Youth Homelessness System Improvement

    Deadline: February 15, 2024

    Award: $200,000 (Min) / $2,000,000 (Max)

    Match: “…applicants that provide at least 10 percent of the total budget amount requested from other funding sources will be awarded additional points during the application evaluation process.”

    Focus: The purpose of this program is support systemic change to improve existing, or establish and implement, response systems for youth homelessness. This program will provide financial and technical assistance for projects that create and build capacity for youth action boards (YABs); collect and use data on at-risk youth and youth experiencing homelessness; develop strong leaders within communities; and improve the coordination, communication, operation, and administration of homeless assistance projects to better serve youth, including prevention and diversion strategies.

    Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) (Measure P!)

    Deadline: February 28, 2024

    Award: 25,000,000 (max)

    Match: 20% (waiver for DCs)

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to support surface transportation infrastructure projects that have a significant local or regional impact. This program is intended to improve safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity, including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. In addition to issuing capital awards, the funding agency will set aside funds for the planning, preparation, or design of projects that do not result in construction.

    Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities: Round 8

    Deadline: March 2024

    Award: ~$50 million max

    Match: Yes

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through projects implementing land use, housing, transportation, and agricultural land preservation practices to support infill and compact development, and support related and coordinated public policy objectives.

    Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grants (SB 1)

    Deadline: March 22, 2024

    Award: $200,000 (Min) / $1,500,000 (Max)

    Match: No

    Focus: To support local and regional governments to develop sea-level rise (SLR) adaptation plans and implementation projects. Click here for details.

    Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program (Round 5) - FY 2024

    Deadline: 03/27/2024

    Award: $869,500,000 (total)

    Max: No

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to organize and deploy the full array of homelessness programs and resources comprehensively and effectively, and to sustain existing federal, state, and local investments toward long-term sustainability of housing and supportive services.

    Bay Area Air Quality Management

    Deadline: Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on March 28, 2024, and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis or until all funds have been awarded.

    Focus: Incentive funding is being offered to assist businesses and public agencies in reducing their emissions through vehicle and equipment upgrades and installation of supporting zero-emission infrastructure.

    Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program: Implementation Grants General Competition (Limited Eligibility) - FY 2023

    Deadline: 4/1/24

    Award: ~$500 million

    Match: No

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to implement greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction programs, policies, projects, and measures identified in a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP). The funding agency encourages eligible applicants to seek implementation funds for GHG reduction measures that will significantly reduce cumulative GHG emissions by 2030 and beyond, and that will accelerate decarbonization across one or more major sectors responsible for GHG emissions.

    Clean Transportation Program: Charging Infrastructure for Government Fleets - FY 2024

    Deadline: 4/5/2024

    Award: 6,000,000 (max)

    Match: 50% (in-kind)

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to provide electric vehicle charging infrastructure for light-duty government fleets.

    Port Infrastructure Development

    Deadline: 4/30/2024

    Award: $450,000,000 (total)

    Match: Applicants must provide at least 20 percent

    Focus: The purpose of this program is to improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods through ports and intermodal connections to ports. Projects must be located either within the boundary of a port, or outside the boundary of a port and directly related to port operations or to an intermodal connection to a port.

    Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership - Part A for Acquisition and Development (Victoria?)

    Deadline: 4/30/24

    Award: $300,000 (Min) / $15,000,000 (Max)

    Match: 50% (in-kind)

    Focus: “…provide new or significantly improved recreation opportunities to the public in urban, disadvantaged communities lacking access to walkable outdoor recreation. This program provides awards to states, and through states to local units of government and federally recognized Indian tribes, for projects that will provide outdoor recreation opportunities through the acquisition of lands and waters for parks and other outdoor recreation areas, as well as through the development of new, or the renovation of existing, outdoor recreation facilities.”

    Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program (CCGP) (Part A): Community-Driven Investments for Change - FY 2024

    Deadline: Rolling until 11/21/2024

    Award: $10,000,000 (Min) / $20,000,000 (Max)

    Match: No

    Focus: …support community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation. Awards will enable disadvantaged communities and their partners to overcome longstanding environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs now and for generations to come.

    Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants – Community and Corridor (CFI)

    Deadline: TBD

    Award: $1,000,000 (min)

    Match: Applicants must provide at least 20 percent of the total project cost.

    Focus: …provide funding to deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure in communities and along designated transportation corridors.

    Firefighters Charitable Foundation

    Deadline: Continuous

    Amount: Varies

    Match: None

    Assists fire and disaster victims; and supports

    Volunteer Fire Departments. Grants offered for the following needs/programs: AED (Automatic External Defibrillator); Fire Department Equipment Program; Community Smoke Detector Program; and the Juvenile Fire-setter Prevention and Intervention Program.

  • December 2023 Grants Update

    Share December 2023 Grants Update on Facebook Share December 2023 Grants Update on Twitter Share December 2023 Grants Update on Linkedin Email December 2023 Grants Update link

    Grants Awarded

    Home Key Grant Program (CMO)

    $12.1 mil

    Submitted: 2/2022

    Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator Grant (Housing)

    Amount: $117,488

    Submitted: 10/7/22

    Prop 64- Public Safety & Health (CMO)

    Project: Vallejo Youth Prevention & Intervention Program

    Amount: $1.4 mil

    Submitted: 12/2/22

    HHAP- Homeless Housing, Assistance & Prevention (Planning)

    Project: Vallejo Navigation Center

    Amount: $1,082,582

    Submitted: 4/12/23

    IIG - Infill Infrastructure Grant (CMO)

    Project: The Broadway Project

    Amount: $2.5 mil

    Submitted: 8/25/22

    MTC Bay Area 2050 - Priority Development Area Grant (Planning)

    Project(s): Downtown Amendment & Streetscape Implementation & Waterfront Amendment

    Amount: $2.4 mil.

    Submitted: 2/23/23

    MTC Local Parking Management Program (Planning/Transportation)

    Project Focus: Comprehensive Parking Management Plan

    Amount: $150,000

    Submitted: 3/30/23

    NPS-Save America’s Treasures (ED)

    Project- Mare Island Historic District, Officers’ Quarters B Restoration

    Amount Requested: $750,000

    Submitted: 12/19/22

    2023 IRA- Urban and Community Forestry (CMO/PW)

    Project: Waterfront Public Park Green and Open Space

    Amount: $1,734,070

    Submitted: 6/3/23

    Clean CA Local Grant Program (PW/CMO)

    Project: Downtown Georgia Street Beautification & Clean Up

    Amount: $352,000

    Submitted: 5/24/23

    Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program (CMO/PW)

    Project: JFK Library Safety and Renovation

    Amount: $6.2 mil

    Submitted: 5/18/23

    Grants Submitted/Pending

    California Strategic Growth Council: Community Resilience Centers Program

    Project: Planning Grant

    Amount $500,000

    Submitted: 9/18/23

    California Public Utilities Commission: Last Mile Grant

    Project 1- Mare Island Build - $688,892

    Project 2- N. Sonoma Blvd - $1,014,322

    Project 3- Porter St to Seaport- $1,680,329

    Project 4- Trailer City Park - $475,545

    Submitted: 9/29/23

    Measure AA

    Award: Varies

    Match: No

    Focus: Projects will fund shoreline projects that protect and restore San Francisco Bay by: reducing trash, pollution and harmful toxins; improving water quality; restoring habitat for fish, birds, and wildlife; protecting communities from floods; and increasing shoreline public access and recreational areas.

    Project: Feasibility study on the marina to remove debris and dilapidated dock.

    Submitted: 11/9/23

    CDFW: Boat Access Grant Program

    Deadline: 4:00 @ 11/15

    Amount: $8.6 million

    Match: Grantees may be reimbursed up to 75 percent of project costs through the grant program. At least 25 percent of the project costs must come from a non-Federal source, which can include revenue from license fees.

    Focus: For projects that ensure public access to state waters. The Boating Access program provides funding for a broad range of access facilities and associated amenities that benefit recreational boaters.

    Submitted: 11/15/23

    Grants in Progress

    Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG)

    Vallejo allocation: $164,850

    Application Cycles: 1/31/24

    The Skatepark Project

    Deadline: Rolling basis and awarded quarterly

    Amount: $1,000 to $300,000, with an average of $10,000,

    Focus: The Skatepark Project is dedicated to helping underserved communities throughout the United States create safe and inclusive public skateparks for youth. Grants are provided to organizations that are seeking to build free, public, concrete skateparks in underserved communities. The Foundation primarily supports projects that can demonstrate a strong grassroots commitment. Priority is given to projects that are designed and built by experienced skatepark contractors and include local skaters in the planning, fundraising, and design process.

    California Department of Parks and Recreation: Outdoor Equity Grant Program (Rd 2) – Meeting w/ GVRD – 12/12)

    Deadline: December 14, 2023

    Amount: Up to $700,000

    Match: None

    Focus: To increase the ability of at-risk youth, seniors, and/or disabled persons in low-income

    urban and rural communities to participate in outdoor experiences at other state parks and other Statewide outdoor venues to increase learning and leadership development.

    Encampment Resolution Fund (ERF) – Meeting 12/13

    Deadline: 2/1/24

    Project: Vallejo Navigation Center

    Focus: Reassess Center construction need/Submit revised Schedule/Budget for timely placement of targeted clients with PSH Units through the Navigation Center.

    Grants Under Review

    Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) - FY 2023

    Deadline: 12/29/23

    Funding Amount: N/A

    Match: No

    Focus: “…prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks. Applicants are required to prioritize funding to demonstrate how investments support closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities identified in the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)/Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) process.”

    California Advanced Services Fund (CASF): Broadband Public Housing Account

    Deadline: 1/2/24 & 7/1/24

    Amount: $150,000 (Max)

    Match: “…applicants must provide the costs of bandwidth on a monthly basis for the five-year project period, and maintenance and operations costs to ensure the network is operational for at least five years in their applications.”

    Focus: “…build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities that do not have access to free broadband service that meets or exceeds state guidelines.”

    National Endowment for the Humanities: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants

    Deadline: January 11, 2024

    Amount: Up to $450,000

    Match: No

    Focus: The Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program supports innovative, experimental, and/or computationally challenging digital projects leading to work that can scale to enhance scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities.

    Bay Area Air Quality Management

    Deadline: Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on March 28, 2024, and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis or until all funds have been awarded.

    Focus: Incentive funding is being offered to assist businesses and public agencies in reducing their emissions through vehicle and equipment upgrades and installation of supporting zero-emission infrastructure.

Page last updated: 18 Jan 2024, 09:35 AM