Economic Development Strategic Plan

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Welcome to the Economic Development Strategic Plan page.

This plan will guide Vallejo’s future by defining the vision for the economy and the tasks to achieve it. The plan will address pandemic-based changes and will provide a roadmap with achievable and measurable goals. This community-based effort is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which provides federal funds for local agencies. Economic Forensics and Analytics will facilitate the process using local experts in the field.

The City of Vallejo wants this plan to represent the values and priorities of the community, so we need to hear from you! Help guide the city’s future by sharing your ideas and concerns about issues in your city and neighborhood that may impact economic success.

When the plan is completed, we want to continue hearing your ideas to keep the momentum going. This page will be updated with various notices, accomplishments, new projects, and new opportunities for you to share ideas.

Welcome to the Economic Development Strategic Plan page.

This plan will guide Vallejo’s future by defining the vision for the economy and the tasks to achieve it. The plan will address pandemic-based changes and will provide a roadmap with achievable and measurable goals. This community-based effort is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which provides federal funds for local agencies. Economic Forensics and Analytics will facilitate the process using local experts in the field.

The City of Vallejo wants this plan to represent the values and priorities of the community, so we need to hear from you! Help guide the city’s future by sharing your ideas and concerns about issues in your city and neighborhood that may impact economic success.

When the plan is completed, we want to continue hearing your ideas to keep the momentum going. This page will be updated with various notices, accomplishments, new projects, and new opportunities for you to share ideas.

  • The City of Vallejo would like to hear from you about its economic development investment and efforts. Your suggestions will help guide the city's economic development strategic plan and decisions, and will help the city advocate for business resources. We appreciate your time in answering this quick survey.

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  • La Ciudad de Vallejo quisiera saber de usted acerca de su inversión y esfuerzos de desarrollo económico. Sus sugerencias ayudarán a guiar el plan estratégico y las decisiones de desarrollo económico de la Ciudad y ayudarán a la Ciudad a abogar por los recursos comerciales. Agradecemos su tiempo en responder esta breve encuesta.
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Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 12:08 PM