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Have a great photo of Vallejo?

Want to have it featured on our social media, website, and/or other publications?

Send it to us at vallejonews@cityofvallejo.net and help us #CaptureVallejo! Please include your name as a small watermark in a corner of the photo for photo credit. Be sure to tag us and use the hashtag on social media too!

In submitting your photo you consent to your photo or video be used for City business and agree to the following:

- You will not receive any form of compensation for use of your content or likeness.
- The City reserves the right to use any photo submitted for the sole purpose of City business whether or not the photo was selected for posting. The City will make every effort to recognize you for your submission unless a specific request is made to remain anonymous.
- The City reserves the sole discretion to limit the number of submissions and/or the number of photos featured for any given photographer.
- You release all copyright responsibilities.

Have a great photo of Vallejo?

Want to have it featured on our social media, website, and/or other publications?

Send it to us at vallejonews@cityofvallejo.net and help us #CaptureVallejo! Please include your name as a small watermark in a corner of the photo for photo credit. Be sure to tag us and use the hashtag on social media too!

In submitting your photo you consent to your photo or video be used for City business and agree to the following:

- You will not receive any form of compensation for use of your content or likeness.
- The City reserves the right to use any photo submitted for the sole purpose of City business whether or not the photo was selected for posting. The City will make every effort to recognize you for your submission unless a specific request is made to remain anonymous.
- The City reserves the sole discretion to limit the number of submissions and/or the number of photos featured for any given photographer.
- You release all copyright responsibilities.

Page last updated: 26 Apr 2022, 10:01 AM