Business Retention and Attraction Survey (BRAE) - City of Vallejo
We know that the economic well-being of our community is largely based upon our existing businesses. In recognition of this, the Economic Vitality Commission (EVC) has partnered with the Economic Development Department to develop a Business Retention, Attraction and Expansion survey (BRAE) to gather information from Vallejo businesses to help the city hone in on business retention and attraction activities, provide services needed to help businesses grow or thrive, and provide workforce development services that comply with the needs of the businesses. Specifically, the BRAE Survey's purpose is to:
Demonstrate the City’s pro-business attitude.
Build on developing communication with local businesses.
Obtain business opinion and satisfaction level with the City.
Identify business needs and concerns that may be addressed by the city.
Identify business future outlook; profit change; relocation; expansion
Identify the opportunity to provide training.
Develop strategies and actions that will support economic development.
The City of Vallejo last surveyed businesses in 2012, so your feedback is important to help inform future economic development efforts. Should you have any questions regarding this survey, please feel free to contact Ivette Iraheta of the Economic Development Division of the City of Vallejo at (707) 645-2622 or via email at
L. Alexander Matias, MPA
Chairman, Economic Vitality Commission (EVC)
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